Wednesday, September 23, 2009

@ sporadic moments...."Nothing Even Matters"

"My fear is my only courage."
~ Bob Marley

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Funny Stuff more Shirley Temple for Starr

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shame on you

When children don't participate in class as a reaction of being previously wrong about adults we encourage them to try again. But when adults who are just bitter about being WRONG, display childlike do you encourage progress to those exposed to their negativity.

Hopefully the purity that these children posses will allow them to differentiate wrong from right. And because both the good and the bad have heavily surfaced, they can make informed choices. Hopefully they can choose to be positively influenced, even when there's "grown ups" that will attempt to instill and pass down a negative fear of COOPERATION for just cause.

At the Face of the Nations unveilance of confusion, I made this promise to my daughter who'll be 2 this month....

I promise that she'll be more than properly informed to make the best decisions for her life in this world.

How many parents oppose taking their children to magic shows, where their minds are spent trying to percieve a pointless illusion? Yet, there's a fear of what our president, who's also a father, has to say to our students.

This is why I also promised myself that my daughter will believe in magic solely because of the look on First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obamas face as they danced to "At Last" on the day of Inauguration.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Inspiration of the day

I'm sitting in the control room at my little brother's public recording studio, while he's in class pursuing his degree in engineering. I remember when him and lil Howard "Chingy" had their little bootleg studio in the basement. His crave for higher learning and success relative to his passion for music is quite admirable.

There it inspiration of the day.

Which reminds me of this video for some reason...

I'm so proud to say that Jeffery "Young Spiffy" Bailey is my little brother.

Love Lockdown

Sometimes things are either SO perfect or SO tragic.......that I feel like I'm an experiment to my environment. If that were the case, what would the hypothesis read? I've asked this question all my life in different words. Its like my all is either too much or never enough. But still even when the world attempts to chew at the pieces of my life, the things that I believe in the most leave me unconsumed. Those things for me consist of what most people in this world usually allow the expansion of it in their mind to amount to a material object or some traditional ideally thing. But for ME, to truly appreciate it....I can only configure at the core, what LOVE truly means. Not saying that the world doesn't move right.....this is no official pontification on the theory of love......but I don't move with the world. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. But at least, and I do mean at the least.....I don't regret or doubt anything about myself or how I feel.
And that little fact is why I can keep my love lock'd down......

Concluding that I should be considered an uncontrolled substance in any experiment......because I want whats real, which is rarely offered.

OH...and I think that the world should move with me! Seriously

just a thought....good day

"At your best, you are love" ~ Aaliyah

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A round of applause everyone!

Everybody give it up for the man who has been taking responsibility for putting a stop to the Youth Center opening in North County. Just like he said...."I'm not going to move to St. Charles <----(mostly white county).....and you're <----(ME) 'just' a young mom, still in school. Plus you haven't told me how you're doing this, we think that its being funded by drug gangster money because you're blood relative to rapper Chingy." ~Greg Porter, 'just' Chairman of the North County Problem Solving Committee.


First let me start by saying.....Howard Bailey, also known as Chingy has given away tons of school supplies and scholarships under his Not For Profit "Chingy for Change"

Second let me state that I have plenty of relatives that you could have inappropriately identified me as, with more or less success in other fields. You just chose him because he's famous and easiest to give an inaccurate STEREOTYPE.

And on that note, for you to say that I'm young (which is a form of discrimination) and a mother (another form of discrimination Mr. Porter) simply tells me that your "concerns" of my project or not valid and more than likely irrelevant.

Now as a courtesy, I've attended a few public meetings to present to the community, a brief summary of what I'm trying to do. What I've discovered at these meetings is that the fear that the community has for the youth, has allowed a man like Greg Porter to turn them away from any form of progress. So, instead of being open to my concept of "bridging entertainment and education," they immediately began to petition my opening in their community. I can recall the entire group of angry neighbors yelling at little ol' me that its "not my job to make a difference in the youth."

Let me remind you that this too, is my community. So I had the opportunity of running into one of my protesters in the grocery store. She then informed me that she did agree that something positive like what I'm trying to do should be done...."its just that when some of you moved out to our neighborhoods, people's stuff got broken and burglarized."

SO apparently I'd been bamboozled into trying to defend my goals, which where not the real problem. The real problem that they were having with my project is that it would offer a place in the community for the part of the community that they feel has been decreasing their property value. Well ladies and gentlemen, if I don't give them something to do (the youth) they'll find it.....and hopefully not at your house.

Now I do want to say that I do agree that the youth is rowdy, unruly and misguided. That was proven when a teen club opened not far from my property, where police couldn't even gain control. Consequently the club was closed that opening weekend.

So we've identified the problem. Now why is it again that I can't be apart of the solution?

I can....and I will, and Mr. Greg Porter and will not be able to stop me. As long as I plan to raise my daughter here....I'll continue to be a positive and active force within this community.



Michael Jackson is the THRILLER!