When children don't participate in class as a reaction of being previously wrong about something....as adults we encourage them to try again. But when adults who are just bitter about being WRONG, display childlike behaivor....how do you encourage progress to those exposed to their negativity.
Hopefully the purity that these children posses will allow them to differentiate wrong from right. And because both the good and the bad have heavily surfaced, they can make informed choices. Hopefully they can choose to be positively influenced, even when there's "grown ups" that will attempt to instill and pass down a negative fear of COOPERATION for just cause.
At the Face of the Nations unveilance of confusion, I made this promise to my daughter who'll be 2 this month....
I promise that she'll be more than properly informed to make the best decisions for her life in this world.
How many parents oppose taking their children to magic shows, where their minds are spent trying to percieve a pointless illusion? Yet, there's a fear of what our president, who's also a father, has to say to our students.
This is why I also promised myself that my daughter will believe in magic solely because of the look on First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obamas face as they danced to "At Last" on the day of Inauguration.